You likely know me best as Head of Mindfulness at the Meditation app, Calm where I write and instruct our mindfulness based content.

One of my favorite things in the world is creating. Whether it’s writing music or producing short films, authoring books or developing mindfulness content for Calm, having a creative outlet is a big part of what brings me alive.

Feel free to dive deeper into my background and projects below!


My Story:
Learn about how my path unfolded


Enjoy some of my
artistic creations

Learn about my
mindfulness Journey

Ode To Failure

Ode to Failure is a 10-minute short film I wrote, illustrated and produced. It’s about learning to rise after failure. By chronicling my own journey through defeat, my hope is that the film’s message helps others who have fallen or have yet to fall.

Tamara, I’m not sure that this will ever actually make it to you, but if it does, I just want to say thank you. I have been using the app for about a year now, and I can’t tell you how much it has improved my wellbeing. I am able to step away from stressful situations and breathe. I have been able to lower the dosages of my depression and anxiety medications. And there are meditations and programs that have been a huge help in helping me bring some of my issues to light and begin dealing with them. Thank you again for the work that you do. You are truly changing lives.

– C.B.

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I am a 51-year-old man living in Hong Kong and for much of my life I have struggled with substance and alcohol abuse. In the past few years, I was heavily addicted to cocaine. I started meditating and then something amazing happened to me. Without knowing that this would be an outcome when I started using Calm, I decided to quit drugs and alcohol completely. In the course of a few months, and to the sound of your voice and your guidance, I am now five months sober, have taken up tai chi and qi going, and have become a daily meditator. I have experienced renewed courage to confront issues stemming from childhood abuse that have plagued me all of my life. In some ways, I am finally learning how to live, and to discover and love myself.

– L.F.

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I have used the Calm app for the past year and a half and it has changed my life. Your voice was the only one that calmed me through the guided meditation. I am the principal of an alternative high school and deal with traumatic events daily. I use the app to help me deal with the situations effectively. I use the app with my sons and students as well.

– M.C.M.

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In early December, I was in a near fatal car accident. After it, I was all alone and PTSD set in. I couldn’t sleep because of nightmares and constant flashbacks. I spent my days afraid to even leave my apartment. My best friend then told me about Calm. So I downloaded it. I was skeptical at first. But it has changed my life. Your sleep stories have helped me finally sleep at night. Similarly, the meditations during the daytime have given me so much peace and serenity. I don’t have the overwhelming anxiety anymore and I’m not as scared to venture out of my apartment anymore. I don’t know where I’d be without Calm. It’s been indispensable for my recovery. It’s kept the accident from stealing my spark and my spirit. Everyday I feel myself getting better. Thank you so very much.

– A.H.C.

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Thank you so very much Tamara for teaching me and others about self-awareness, mindfulness, forgiveness, loving kindness, the list goes on and on. I’m OFF nearly all my meds I used to be on for depression and anxiety… My hubby and I do a Calm session together every night before bed and we are sleeping so much better now. My panic attacks are now nearly non-existent and, BONUS, I now have mental tools to deal with them if they do arise. Life changing!! Thank you soooo much Tamara Levitt!!

– L.S.P.

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As I listen to her, dictating the editing of the meditation from behind the screen, it strikes me that she is among the most valuable content creators on earth. Imagine if much of Netflix content was conceived, written, performed and edited by the same person.

– Amanda Hess, New York Times

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Gratitude Masterclass

In this Gratitude Masterclass, I share stories and lessons learned from my own path toward gratitude. My hope is that it inspires you to create and benefit from your own practice.

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