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Wisdom 2.0 Conference

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March 6, 2019

It was so much fun speaking at Wisdom 2.0 this year discussing, The Stigma of Suffering, and Authentic Teaching, and leading a group meditation! Some of the things I spoke about are how many teachers find it hard to be open about their mental health struggles and trauma because of stigma, judgement and expectations. They feel pressured to hide their challenges because they are concerned it will hurt their credibility. But it’s the responsibility of teachers to be honest and transparent, and doing so gives them room to be human, and students. I also think that students have a responsibility – to avoid idolizing teachers and to be discerning as to who they assign as their guide. Last we must all remember that we are walking this path together, as imperfect/perfect beings, and than rather than focusing on the end goal of awakening, we must continually honor and meet ourselves where we are. Awakening is not an end goal, but a possibility that exists in each moment.