Exciting News! Begin Within has Received Sponsorship from Kobo!
I’m so pleased to announce that Kobo has offered to support Begin Within by aligning and offering sponsorship. An ebook is in the works courtesy of the Canadian built company, which will be available fall 2013.
I’m a sucker for cute yoga teachers, But this one’s by far the cutest I’ve seen.
Ok, he’s 2. But he teaches a mean class. I dare you not to fall in love.
In my most recent video blog, I discuss the challenges and importance of working towards forgiveness. I share tools and techniques that have aided in my own forgiveness practice along with resources to hopefully support your own.
Tamara Levitt discusses her perspective of repression in meditation practice. (Feel free to interchange the word, “Mindfulness” with “Meditation” for a talk that is relevant to non-meditators.)
Tamara Levitt visited the Kids’ section of Indigo Bay/Bloor for a story-time event on Saturday August 3 at 11:30 am. She read from her newly launched book Happiness Doesn’t Come from Headstands.
Penny Lockwood interviews Tamara on “One Writers Journey”, where she discusses her recently published book, and personal writing process.
Tell me a little about your book.
Happiness Doesn’t Come from Headstands is a picture book about a girl named leela who dreams of doing headstands. However, no matter how hard she tries, she’s unable to achieve her goal. She’s devastated by this as we usually are when faced with defeat, but through discovering that having a failure doesn’t mean that “she” is failure, she is ultimately able to find happiness.
This story offers an alternative to the “little engine that could” message that practice makes perfect and that if we just keep trying, we eventually reach a goal. The reality is, no matter how hard we try, we’re sometimes still unable to succeed in life. This book encourages cultivating self-acceptance, compassion and resilience in order to accept, learn and grow from defeat.
What gave you the idea for this particular story?
The story was in part inspired by my own struggle with perfectionism, which I’ve had since childhood and lead to a lack of self-acceptance or self-compassion. These were qualities I’ve had to learn as an adult and continue to practice as best as I can.
The beliefs we learn as children become our core beliefs as adults, so my intention through the work I create is to inspire healthy and empowering belief systems in children from the start, to help them become high functioning, happy, adults.
At long last! “Happiness Doesn’t Come from Headstands” is finally here!
Begin Within is proud to announce the publication of Happiness Doesn’t Come from Headstands; now available for purchase at the NEW BEGIN WITHIN WEBSITE!
Happiness Doesn’t Come From Headstands is a a modern day story about the search for happiness, and one girl’s discovery that even in the face of failure, peace can be found.
Check out sample interior pages, the book trailer, and order your copy of the book at our new fab website (Which I personally designed and would love for you to check out!) Plus, until July 15, in honor of Canada day, Canadians will receive FREE SHIPPING AND HST!
Praise for the book:
For some extra enticement, check out these recent 5 star endorsements on our Amazon page from reviewers below: